About Us
"ONE Profession ! ONE Union"
Maharashtra State Nurses Union (MSNU) is the Labour Commissioner Registered, Professional and Non-Political Trade Union for Nurses.
We all nurses must come together under one association to fight strongly against inequity work systems for our Rights, Self-Respect and better Work Patterns.
MSNU is committed to the Betterment of Nurses & Raises voices against any Injustice done to them.
Appeal to Join Together on One Platform for Nurse’s integrity & Unity
“ONE Profession! ONE Union!!”
“Join! Maharashtra State Nurses Union!!“
Maharashtra State Nurses Union (MSNU) is the Labour Commissioner Registered, Professional and Non-Political Trade Union for Nurses.
We all nurses coming together under one umbrella to fight strongly against the work systems for our Rights, Self Respect and Good Work Patterns.
MSNU is committed for Betterment of Nurses & Raise Voice against Injustice.
Appeal to Join Together On One Platform for Nurses Voice & Strong Unity
“ONE Profession ! ONE Union!!”
“Join ! Maharashtra State Nurses Union!!“